“Charleston has a landscape that encourages intimacy and partisanship. I have heard it said that an inoculation to the sights and smells of the Carolina lowcountry is an almost irreversible antidote to the charms of other landscapes, other alien geographies. You can be moved profoundly by other vistas, by other oceans, by soaring mountain ranges, but you can never be seduced. You can even forsake the lowcountry, renounce it for other climates, but you can never completely escape the sensuous, semitropical pull of Charleston and her marshes.” ~ Pat Conroy
I pretty much have the IHOP-KC webstream on ALL the time - which might qualify me as some kind of junkie but that's ok. Last week, I went on a little silly journey of some of the funnies that have happened in the midst of worship. I don't know how many times I've seen all of these but I laugh so hard that I cry every single time. Enjoy...
'why is it that evey time I look at a picture of a creature that is extinct, why is it that they have great big teeth and look really really angry?'
...in all fairness to the lovely Justin Rizzo, this is actually not a blooper. I get what he's doing. But it's really dang funny. Just look at his drummer trying to hold it together.
'I take my cocoa hot'
Misty's face cracks me up - she's trying so hard to be serious but at around 3 minutes she gives in.
'I don't wanna fart my own story'
I pretty much have a major crush on Cory Asbury. He's such an annointed goof ball. I love the face that he makes when he realizes he just said 'fart' as a part of worship. And I love that most likely, in the debriefing room and for many days after, he probably thought long and hard about how he could actually fart his story.
the funniest thing about this one is the description at the bottom of the clip. If I were in a band, it would be a dangerous thing to give me a talkback mic
again...major crush on Cory Asbury. Pretty much everything he does is precious. And he's got Justin Bieber hair. Also, I love Laura Hackett...I think we're supposed to be BFF's. Laura, if you're reading this, call me.
DISCLAIMER. this is not a blooper. this 9 minutes and 34 seconds of heaven on earth. I love this song. And I love what they did with this. And OMG barf-tastic.
Ok. That's all. Tune in to the webstream at IHOP-KC if you don't already. It's fantabulous.
Well, guess what? She's done, folks! On October 10th, Ana Maria received her last radiation treatment and celebrated by getting her hairs did at the cancer center hair boutique (I never knew they had one of those - I think that is so cool). Just to remind you all of the process...Ana Maria arrived here in the states on Thursday, May 10th, had surgery to remove a brain tumor on Monday June 4th, entered a very long 3 month waiting and recovery process to begin 5 1/2 weeks of radiation treatment. She's been a trooper through it all and I am happy to report that Ana Maria is GOING HOME! On Friday, November 2nd, Ana Maria will re-enter her country and her home and her family, all of which she has missed desperately. We are all so happy to send Ana Maria home HEALTHY! She is still 'recovering' and will continue to take growth hormone medicine for some time to come (years, maybe!) but the worst is behind her and we are thrilled for her. So, many of you might remember the very beginning of this process - when I went down to the DR in April to help Ana Maria get her visa. If you had told me then what the next 6 months would look like, I may have lost hope in the process. But our Lord has proven Himself ever so faithful each step along the way. With His favor and some pretty incredible people (Christy and Gerry Wallace specifically - her hosts) this thing began to unfold and became a very real journey for all of us. I'm relieved that this part of the journey is coming to and end. For me, it is particularly exciting as I get to go back to the DR and be a part of Ana Maria's homecoming. I fly to Santo Domingo on Friday, November 2 and will meet Ana Maria and Christy there...we will drive the 3 hours up to Pedregal where a massive welcome party will be assembled, I'm sure. I will not be able to stay long - only 'til Sunday - but to witness her homecoming and to be a part of that celebration will make the short stay more than worth it. I want to thank you all for your prayers, support, financial help, visits to Ana Maria, meals, etc. You played a huge role in saving her life!
Ana Maria will continue to need financial support for her medical costs. If you would like to donate towards that, you may write a check to: The Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St.
memo line-DR SURGERY (very very important to put this in
memo line) 126 Coming Street Charleston SC 29403 Thank you all for EVERYTHING and please join me in this celebration!